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A Shorter Purim Story

by Ilana Streit

It happened in the days of Ahashveirosh and Vashti...

that he said,

"Hey Vashti, would you please come to my party?"

and she said,

"You know, it's really not a good time for me. Maybe later."

And he said to himself, "Hey, I'm the king!" and he called her again from his cell phone, (and with her caller ID she knew it was him, and she put him on speaker phone) and he said,


and she said,


When she got off of the phone, all the women around her clapped for her.

Meanwhile, back at the men's party, Ahi (short for Ahashveirosh ) was upset. He left the room of drunken men and went for a walk in the courtyard to clear his head.

When he came back to the palace, on the way back to the party he stopped at his computer to write an apology e-mail message to Vashti. They had lunch together the next day.

The End